8 August 2008
Dnipropetrovsk Pipe (DTRZ: BUY) and Novomoskovsk Pipe (NVTR: BUY) exhibited the highest output growth in Apr-Jul 2006 and consequently, in Jan-Jul 2006, while Khartsyzk Tube (HRTR: SELL) cut its production in both periods.
Company Jan-Jul 06 Chg yoy Apr-Jul 06 Chg yoy Jan-Mar 06 Chg yoy
NITR: BUY 335.1 6.0% 203.1 9.5% 132.0 1.0%
DTRZ: BUY 142.4 20.9% 83.6 25.3% 58.8 15.1%
NVTR: BUY 128.4 19.6% 79.0 18.7% 49.4 21.0%
HRTR: SELL 311.5 -5.6% 199.6 -10.5% 111.9 4.7%
Ukraine Total 1,459.2 9.3% 907.5 10.7% 551.8 7.2%