15 October 2008
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) forecasted passenger car production worldwide to rise 19.1% from 2006 to 2014. The greatest increase is expected to come from BRIC countries, whose share of global output will increase from 16% to 23%. In terms of companies, the largest gains will be made by Volkswagen, which will boost production 15% to 4.4 mln vehicles annually. Growing disposable incomes have caused a boom in car sales in Ukraine. To meet demand, car producers upped production by over 40% in 8M07, however for more popular models there are still waiting lists from 6-9 months at most auto dealerships. Listed names like the Bohdan Automobile Plant (LUAZ: N/R) and Ukravto (AVTO: N/R), have both recently expanded production and are expecting banner years in terms of sales.