21 March 2008
During the first two months of 2006 the telecommunication sector’s total revenue reached USD 1.05 bln (18% growth yoy). Again, the growth rate leaders were the mobile (46% yoy growth) and long-distance (13% yoy) sectors. Growth in the internet and data segment decreased to 3% yoy. Concorde Capital: Growth is slowing down in all the telecommunication sectors. Still, we expect higher growth rates in fixed telecommunication revenues (LD and local) if regulators allow Ukrtelecom (UTEL: BUY) to set its tariffs independently, (as is planned to do by the government, refer to yesterday’s news).
Growth Rate, yoy
2004 2005 2M06
Local 0% 10% 5%
LD 27% 14% 13%
PC 47% 41% 3%
Mobile 123% 64% 46%
Source: State Statistics Committee