Today the government released the much anticipated list of companies that are to be reprivatized.
Here is the list, with the percentage that is to be put up for auction:
Odesa Portside Plant, 50%+1
Obedynenye Azot, 100%
Nikopol Southern Pipe Plant, 96.67%
Krasitel, Lugansk 25%
Izumskii Diesel Locomotive 100%
Semi-conductor Factory, 99.99%
Mayak Factory, 100%
Slavytich Televison Factory,96.63%
Foton, 100%
Kyiv Motorcycle Factory,100%
Konotop Diesel locomotive Repair Factory, 100%
Radiorelay Relaying Plant, 100%
Krasnye Metallist, 37.37%
Ilych Ore Plant, 48.96%
Krayn Holding Company, 100%
Energostroi, 94.47%
Ukruglepromtrans, 100%
Ukragro Leasing, 100%
Ukragromashinvest Leasing Company, 50%
Vinnitskii Tractor Parts Plant, 25%
Mogilev-Podol Machine Factory,26%
Chervona Zirka, 25%
Hydrosila, 25%
Rusava, 74.82%
Krivorzhski IronOre, n/a
Hotel Sport, 100%
Druzhba Hotel, 26%
Hotel Oreanda, 21.32%
Dniper Hotel, 100%
Hotel Ukraine(Kyiv), 50%
Hotel Ukraine, 100%