27 March 2008
Yulia Tymoshenko said that it is necessary to review the gas agreements between Ukraine and Russia. According to Tymoshenko if BYT members take key roles in the Cabinet, reviewing gas agreements with Russia will be a top priority. However, she added that this issue is not part of the coalition treaty between SPU, Our Ukraine and BYT. Tymoshenko also said she did not think relations between Ukraine and Russia would worsen. Concorde Capital: Tymoshenko has had it in for the gas agreement for some time however, she might have softened her stance a bit: earlier she used the word “denounce” instead of “review”. Despite Tymoshenko’s claims so far we do not see a realistic alternative to the current gas agreement which would imply lower gas prices, sufficient supply and that could be implemented in the short term. In addition, according to the Constitution, setting foreign policy priorities is the President’s responsibility. WATCH: for the final elections results, the structure of parliament coalition and conditions on which the latter will be formed.