21 November 2012
The Ministry of Finance attracted USD 74 mln in 2Y dollar-nominated bills at 8.32% and UAH 500 mln (USD 61 mln) in 5Y local currency bills at 14.3%, the ministry reported on Nov. 20. With UAH 4.8 bln (USD 590 mln) in local bonds attracted earlier this month, the November total comes to UAH 5.9 bln in local T-bills sold.
Alexander Paraschiy: Ukraine outperformed significantly its debt financing plan, having attracted about UAH 104 bln in local and international bonds year-to-date, compared to its plan for 11M12 at UAH 87 bln. The extra debt is likely to be used to finance the budget deficit, which was recently extended by UAH 7.7 bln to UAH 38.8 bln, and is very likely to grow further, as the 9M12 data suggests. The deficit grew to UAH 24.4 bln for 9M12 from UAH 6.7 bln for 6M12.