26 July 2019
Ukraine’s state and state-guaranteed debt rose 2.5%
m/m to USD 80.4 bln in June, the Finance Ministry reported on July 25.
State foreign debt grew 3.2% m/m to USD 40.1 bln,
while state domestic debt rose 2.1% m/m to USD 29.9 bln. State-guaranteed debt
increased 0.9% m/m to USD 10.3 bln.
In UAH terms, overall state debt slid 0.2% m/m.
Evgeniya Akhtyrko: The
placement of a EUR-denominated sovereign Eurobond on June 13 for EUR 1 bln
was the major factor of the state debt swelling in June. In addition, domestic
debt rose as the amount of newly placed domestic bonds exceeded the amount of
redeemed bonds.
We project state and state-guaranteed debt will
increase to USD 80.8 bln in 2019, or around 56% of GDP (vs. USD 78.3 bln, or
61% of GDP, in 2018).