20 February 2018
The Ukrainian government has submitted a memorandum to
a UN arbitrage tribunal alleging the Russian government has violated the UN
convention on the law of the sea, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry announced on
Feb. 19. In particular, the complaint is intended to prove Russia’s violation
of Ukraine’s sovereign maritime rights in the Black and Azov seas, as well as
the Kerch Strait. In particular, the construction of the Kerch Strait bridge is
blocking access to Ukrainian ports in the Azov Sea, the Foreign Ministry said.
The complaint seeks to defend the economic interests
of the Ukrainian government and private investors, whose property in Crimea was
confiscated, President Poroshenko said the day of the announcement. It also
seeks to force Russia to recognize Ukraine’s sovereign rights in its own
waters, halt the theft of Ukrainian natural resources and receive compensation
for damages. The complaint doesn’t involve Ukraine’s sovereign claims to the
illegally annexed territory of Crimea, he said.
The Russian government will likely submit a reply to
the complaint in the next three months alleging the tribunal lacks the
jurisdiction to review this case, Deputy Foreign Minister Olena Zerkal, who has
been appointed by the president to represent Ukraine in this complaint, told
Ukrainian television that evening.
Zenon Zawada: Ukraine
needs to pursue such lawsuits, but it will be impossible to enforce them
without the return of Crimea to Ukraine. We expect a favorable ruling in this
case, which will add to Ukraine’s legal arsenal to eventually hold Russia
responsible for its illegal annexation.