20 March 2020
Ukrainians have begun to infect each other with the
coronavirus within Ukraine’s borders, rather than contracting the virus abroad,
said on Mar. 19 Viktor Liashko, the deputy health minister and chief medical
officer of Ukraine. As of Friday, Mar. 20, three Ukrainians have died from the
COVID-19 disease in Ukraine, according to the Center for Public Health of
Ukraine. Twenty-six Ukrainians have been infected, an increase of ten cases
from the prior day.
Zenon Zawada: The peak of Ukraine’s coronavirus infection rate has yet to be
reached. The extent of infections will depend upon how well the public upholds
quarantine restrictions, and how well the government enforces them. Yesterday,
two bus drivers were caught by police in the Kyiv region for allowing the limit
of 10 passengers to be exceeded, which is a positive sign. It’s not possible to
predict to what extent the virus will spread here, but so far the situation
looks relatively stable.