19 January 2009
According to DTEK’s press-service, related power generation company Vostokenergo has signed a contract to export electricity to Hungary with System Consulting ZRt. The ceiling export capacity foreseen in the contract is 350 MW. Alexander Paraschiy: Whoever the exporter of Ukrainian electricity (Ukrinterenergo, the current exporter, or Vostokenergo etc) is, the power to Hungary will be produced at the Burshtyn power plant of Zakhidenergo (ZAEN) and Kalush CHPP. To sell the power abroad, the exporter needs to buy it on the internal wholesale market and then reserve needed transmission capacity. As of today, only state company Ukrinterenergo has exported power to the EU. Still, the recent news suggests there is way for other companies to export, and sets a precedent for ZAEN and other power generation companies, for that matter, to start exporting Ukrainian electricity.