12 October 2008
Yesterday the Verkhovna Rada’s Privatization Commission asked the State Property Fund to do everything in its power to see the privatization of Luhanskteplovoz through to the end. In addition, the commission asked the Prosecutor General’s Office to examine the legality of moves made by the Transport Ministry and the state railway monopoly, Ukrzaliznitsa to block the privatization. Olha Pankiv: It is easy to understand the Rada’s motivation for wanting to see LTPL’s tender take place, the $150 mln the SPF could receive from the privatization is roughly 40% of $420 mln the SPF needs to meet budget from privatization revenues this year. So far the SPF has only brought in about 15% of its goal for 2006. Momentum is building in favour of LTPL’s privatization, however, it will difficult for the SPF to get through all the legal red tape before the end of the year.